A fun suprise kicker for the Grum Dice Cups.
Same as the poker chip suprise but in a minimilistic leather case that can easily be cliped to your belt loop to save your pocket space.
You ask your spectator if they like to gamble? Give them a chance to roll a six with the dice allowing them to handle and thoroghly examine the dice and cup. Ask them to hold the little leather pouch in their hand. Using the dice cup you shake the dice cup until the spectator requests you to stop. They peak at the number and the number they are thinking of matches the poker chip prediction that is printed inside the leather case which has been in their hands from the outset of the trick.
Note: This trick should is to go with the Grum dice cups.
The prediction will either be a number 2 Blue or 5 - Red.
This will be determned when purchasing the dice cup. If you already have a dice cup, and would like to order the poker chip suprise please specify below if your cup / dice is set to Number 5 or number 2.
*Note this prop does not come with any written instructions. It is very self explanatory and easy to come up with your own patter and routine to suit your style.
Poker Chip Surprise Pro
As these are made to order they are not refundable or returnable.
As these are all hand crafted, hand dyed and hand stitched they take time to produce to the high standard and quality they are. We say to allow up to 6 weeks from orfder to delivery, howevr we always try to displatch them as soon as we can. We will keep you up to date with your order and its progress.